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Why you should propose to your partner this Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, no matter where you are in the world. However, there is something to be said about a wintery Christmas. Rugged up indoors with your loved ones, big hot meals, snow falling everywhere, lights and decorations – it’s almost magical. How could you make Christmas extra special this year?

With a proposal!

If it’s been on your mind, and you’re on the fence about proposing this Christmas. Why? We hear you ask. Well, here is why should propose this Christmas and add wedding rings to your Christmas list!

1. Romance on Tap

They don’t call it the most wonderful time of the year for nothing! Christmas is full of magic – especially for couples. Think about it – lights, decorations, and music are everywhere. There’s a sense of joy and anticipation in the air. Plus, there are romantic spots everywhere. Outdoor ice skating, public gardens filled with stunning lights displays, Christmas markets – the opportunities are endless. Why not add some extra cheer to this year?

2. Holiday Season

Many companies are closed over Christmas, giving many employees time off for the holidays. This means, if you propose, you and your partner may already have a few days off to celebrate your engagement! This could be done with friends and family or can be spent just the two of you.

3. Family Affair

What is one of the best parts about Christmas? It’s often spent with family! Should you propose at Christmas, this means two massive pros for you and your partner.

Firstly, they will be there to celebrate with you! Saving endless phone calls and perhaps a few home visits with news as everyone can enjoy it together.

Secondly, should want a hand with your proposal plan, there will be plenty of hands on deck ready to help.

4. The best gift of all

Of all the gifts your partner could find under the tree, a beautiful ring, followed by a proposal, would be one of the best they could hope for. A ring on its own is special, but an engagement ring will be truly special. Furthermore, you can celebrate something extra each year at Christmas – the day you said yes to spending the rest of your lives together! Doesn’t get more romantic than that?

5. Savings

This reason is less romantic and more practical but is still worth mentioning. Most people want to get their partner the best ring possible, which will unavoidably come with a price tag to match. However, what do many stores – including those that sell wedding rings – have at this time of year? Sales! Purchasing your ring at this time of year may mean some savings too.

Merry Christmas!

There you have it – all the reasons why should propose this Christmas! It’s always closer than you think, so get planning today!

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